Care and Feeding, Slate, 2 Feb 2025:
Twenty-five years ago, when I was 16, I found myself unexpectedly pregnant. My family was very pro-life at the time, and my parents, grandparents, twin sister “Val,” and I all worked together to raise the baby for the first few years of his life. It was hard. Val and I dropped all of our high school extracurriculars, and we attended community college instead of going to university, but it was also beautiful. I even had a short stint as a motivational speaker at anti-abortion rallies.
Now my son is grown and he is a wonderful person. I’m married, and we have been successful enough that I’m about to step back from my career to pursue some personal projects. Val never married and lives nearby, and we are still close.
She recently came to me and shared that she is pregnant and plans to keep the baby. She feels like this is her last chance to be a mother. Then she dropped the bomb: She said she expects me to help her care for the baby, and noted that the timing was perfect since I’ll be stepping back from my career. I told her I have no intention of being her babysitter, and that if she can’t care for her own baby she shouldn’t be having one. She accused me of being pro-life when it got me help and attention, and pro-choice now that it’s more convenient. She also said that she never got to choose whether to help me—our parents would have kicked her out if she hadn’t pitched in. I told her I was sorry but that was an issue between her and our parents. We haven’t spoken since. Now I feel horrible and am rethinking things. Do I owe her child care?
—Just Want to be the Aunt
Dear Just Want To Be The Aunt,
Whether you “owe” your sister child care is entirely beside the point. You are asking the wrong question! The better question is: does your sister have a right to make her own reproductive decisions, despite the fact that you have been asked to have some involvement in caring for the child therefrom? I think we both know the answer to that.
Indeed, we both know your sister is making a mountain out of a molehill, much as she has made a baby out of … whatever it is that makes babies. Regardless, your sister definitely should not have done the baby-making without your say-so, as you are the ultimate arbiter of who should have a baby, which is to say: everyone who you gave your anti-abortion speeches to, except your sister, who did not take into account your schedule when she got pregnant.
Surely you made it clear, when you were doing your fancy anti-abortion advocacy, that you meant forced birth was for everyone whose pregnancy was not immediately convenient for you personally! It’s wild that your sister did not understand that obvious fact 25 years ago, when she was a teenager being roped into caring for a child she neither carried nor asked for, and now she has some real fucking nerve to ask for vague “help” with a pregnancy you personally did not pre-approve! She’s trying to leverage your history against you by asking you to “help care” for some bastard-ass kid she had the ripe gall to conceive without someone else’s express permission. She could never in a million years understand what that kind of sacrifice is like!
The plain fact is this: everyone should have babies! No matter what! Because it’s easy and free to be pregnant and have babies and everyone will help! Except you, of course, because you have some other stuff going on, now that you are done taking care of your kid. If your sister can’t take care of a baby 10000000% on her own with no help from family and friends like everyone on earth in the whole of human history has always done, she should just abandon the whole idea and have an abortion when she doesn’t want one. After all, her pregnancy would be potentially sort of time-consuming for you in theory! Your sister is being really inconsiderate about how her pregnancy might affect you as you move into the phase of your life wherein you do whatever the fuck you want while other people have to have babies because you said so, except for your sister, because what a gross hassle babies are.
You have lived your pro-life values to the fullest by capitalizing on forced-pregnancy trauma (your own and that of others) to the extent you find it personally and professionally beneficial. What higher sacrifice could you possibly make under these circumstances? I mean, is she asking you to babysit? In the free time you and you alone earned thanks to the tireless dedication of three generations of your family who raised your kid with you? Does your sister think the time she had no control over as a teen helping you rear your child came at no cost to you? And now she’s not even married?!
If you can’t shame the slut into having an abortion she doesn’t want, perhaps you can coerce her into terminating her pregnancy by reminding her it would be sort of inconvenient for you. Not, of course, that she would understand, being as she is a kid-obsessed weirdo who thinks having a kid is a thing she should do just because she wants to.
Your sister is 41 entire years old! A veritable fertility font! She has weeks, if not months ahead of her to to enjoy the experience of geriatric pregnancy! She can easily make another baby when God, or you, wants her to, assuming it doesn’t interfere with your plans. Certainly the Lord Almighty would never interrupt your important schedule with something so meaningless and inconsequential as someone else’s pregnancy.
You’ve put in your time already, and you’ve earned the right to just step back and be an auntie. If your sister wanted your “help” caring for her child, she should have been smarter about the timing of her unplanned pregnancy, much as you were as a teenager whose family’s political views dictated your reproductive choices. Precluding people from making decisions about their own bodies is a tradition to be honored, and you are admirably carrying on that great heritage for your sister.
Telling a person who desperately wants a baby to have an abortion when their pregnancy timing is not to your liking is the pro-life way, and you are entitled to live your pro-life to the fullest.